Information on the risks of hormone replacement therapy here
Soy consumed as tofu, particularly by adolescent girls, may reduce breast cancer risk. Summary of studies here.
Soy’s isoflavones exert an antiestrogenic effect, preventing the development of breast cancer. Study on pdf page 2.
U.S. Preventive Services Task Force: “use of combined estrogen and progestin is associated with increased risk of invasive breast cancer, stroke, venous thromboembolism, dementia, gallbladder disease, and urinary incontinence.” Also ‘Hormone “replacement” therapy has no benefit for the prevention of chronic conditions’
More information on estrogen and cow’s milk link to breast and ovarian cancer here
Breast Cancer
p 87 Early age of menarche . . . leads to higher levels of blood hormones such as estrogen. These hormone levels remain high throughout the reproductive years if consumption of a diet rich in animal-based food is maintained. Under these conditions, age of menopause is deferred by three to four years, thus extending the reproductive life from beginning to end by about nine to ten years and greatly increasing lifetime exposure to female hormones. Other studies have shown that an increase in years of reproductive life is associated with increased breast cancer risk.35,36 [Therefore, 3 of the 4 risks of breast cancer are caused by animal protein-high blood cholesterol, late menopause, high exposure to female hormones].
Breast Cancer prevention information here
Modern breast cancer treatment is just a spin on 600 year old methods. Have your doctor explain the risk/benefits of ALL procedures and not just recommend what they want. Dr. McDougall fully explains your options. Study finds GA doctors fail to inform us of risks!
A 2013 study concluded: “Intake of high-fat dairy . . . was related to a higher risk of mortality after breast cancer diagnosis.” (High fat dairy like cheese). Why? Just like discussed in The China Study, “Dietary fat in dairy is a source of estrogenic hormones”.
Soy lowers risk of breast cancer because it lowers estrogen levels, safely! Varied plant based diets have anti-cancer properties-visit Feb 2012 podcast of Dr. Christine Horner here.
A 14 year study of 91,779 current and retired California teachers showed those who had a predominantly plant-based diet had a 15 percent reduced risk of breast cancer and that a diet including abundant fish and wine increased by 29 percent the risk of estrogen and progesterone receptor positive breast cancer.
“study suggests that vegetable fiber intake may contribute to reduce breast cancer risk.”
A byproduct of cholesterol functions like the hormone estrogen to fuel the growth of breast cancer study shows. Only eggs, dairy and meat have cholesterol, how much fuel do you eat?
Study shows the more vegetables, fruit, and soy and less animal products consumed by a woman the less breast cancer developed.
Diet records from 337,327 women over 11.5 years were analyzed finding those who consumed the most fat and saturated fat had 20% and 28% increased risk of breast cancer.
Study showed a diet high in animal fat or in cholesterol increased the risk for breast cancer by 18-32%.
Study of 664,159 women and found the risk of breast cancer was 64% higher in women with high cholesterol.
Study finds consumption of soy products during adolescence to reduce the risk of breast cancer in adulthood and to reduce the risk of recurrence and mortality for women previously treated for breast cancer.
Norewigan study found that a high intake of vegetables and fruits reduces the risk of breast cancer.
Review finds a high fat diet is associated with increased cancer, particularly breast and colon, and the prostate.
Study of 44,231 found that women consuming the most total red meat during childhood were at 43 % increased risk for developing breast cancer
85 studies with 164,416 participants diagnosed with breast cancer reviewed finding links between better breastcancer survival and eating foods containing fibre and soy.
Oriental women have low incidence of breast cancer yet consume larger amounts of soy products than Americans.
Study: high-fat dairy related to a higher risk of mortality after breast cancer diagnosis
Researchers conclude women who have had breast cancer should decrease consumption of saturated fats (which are mostly from animal products), red meat, poultry, processed meats & dairy & increase consumption of fruits, vegetables, legumes, beans/lentils, & natural soy products.
Study: Fiber found ONLY in plants helps reduce risk of cancer.
A virus found in dairy products may act as a risk factor for breast cancer.
Grilled and barbecued meats increase mortality from breast cancer
Ovarian Cancer
2010 study finds pre-diagnosis eating patterns were significantly associated with ovarian cancer survival time. High intake of fruit and vegetables was associated with longer survival (hazard ratio, 0.61), while meat — in particular red and cured/processed meat — intake was associated with lower survival odds (hazard ratio, 2.28), as was milk consumption (hazard ratio, 2.15). Researchers found a 3-fold increased risk of dying for those women who ate four or more servings of red meat a week compared to those who ate less than one serving per week over the 11-year study period. Women who had seven or more servings of milk of any type per week were two times as likely to die during the study period as those who had none.